Your meter is powerful, with a wide range of programming parameters. Before requesting service, determine your program revision letter and mode (totalize or rate) by pressing the RECALL and RESET buttons simultaneously. The meter shows "CODE _" (last number or letter represent the meter firmware revision)

Troubleshooting Chart Table 7-1
Action to Take/Explanation
Display is completely blank Check power connections. For battery-powered units, close S1-10. Press the RESET and RECALL buttons simulta-neously or disconnect power for 20 seconds.
Display shows rAtE or totAL. Meter does not advance to show a measurement. Check the input connections, levels, and S1 positions. The input signal(s) may be missing.
Display reads zero Press the RESET and RECALL buttons simultaneously. If display still reads zero, you may have a scale factor that is either a small multiplier (including zero) or a large divider. RESET input may be active low.
Display shows an illegal character (not in the glossary) Press the RESET and RECALL buttons simultaneously or disconnect power for 120 seconds.
Display shows number in exponential format, e.g.1.23 E6 (overflow indication) If the digit following the E is 5 or smaller, use auto-range. If it is 6 or greater, use a smaller multiply scale factor and auto-range.
One or more digits are flashing The counter may be in the programming mode. Press the RESET button to reset the counter.
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